[SEL] Legal Ownership undate

cgandree at mchsi.com cgandree at mchsi.com
Tue Jul 2 03:26:54 PDT 2013

Yesterday I was able to make contact with the guys brother whom after a few minutes of talk realized we knew each other through the local antique engine club. He then told me that his brother had a lifetime issue of mental illness and been in and out of various mental hospitals and the family had pretty much disowned him.
The guy had payed him a visit about a month before he bought the tractor asking to borrow money but was refused and started to bad mouth him and his wife so through him off his property. He did suggest that I call there sister and maybe she would know where he was so did.  She told me that he had showed up at there farm just prior to him paying me for the tractor to ask if he could store the tractor there but her husband refused and he cussed them out and left. She had heard he was living at a cheap motel in a town 20 miles away and heard the tractor was being stored by the owner of the resturant next door. I dicided to drive over and look for him. Got there about lunch time and stopped at the resturant because I knew the owner well and discussed the issue while eating lunch. The owner said he did have the tractor in one of his building nearby but the guy was not paying the storage charges so thought he would try to reposes it for the past rent due. After lunch I went over to the motel and talked to the lady who owned it. She asked how well I knew him so explained the sale of the tractor and what the family had told me about his condition. She warned me that she had given him notice last week to pack up and move because him going of the wall disturbing other motel quests plus not paying his rent. Also she advised that it might not be a good idea to call on him today as he had had another blow up runing in out of his room yelling and cussing earlier. Her suggestion was to stop and get advice from the local police chief whom I knew. I told her that I might send him a letter about retrieving the accessories but she said since he was expected to leave in two days it more then likely would be returned.  I know this is long story but it is kind of a engine related problem and thought maybe someone else had experienced something similiar.  Thanks for listening and will keep all posted.
Curt Andree

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