[SEL] (Maybe O.T.) Selling my brass plates on e-Bay

Steve W. swilliams268 at frontier.com
Sun Sep 11 15:00:48 PDT 2011

Jerry Evans wrote:
>    Hi Guys n Gals,
>            I'd appreciate some input (tips, tricks, ideas etc.) from those
>    of you who sell "stuff" on e-bay.
>            I'm considering putting my "Brass spec. plates" on e-bay and my
>    current thoughts are as follows;
>            i) I will need to offer plates for "common" engines to "get the
>    ball rolling". Plates for example for "Wolseley", "Lister", "Ruston &
>    Hornsby" (British engines) , IHC, Novo and a few others (USA engines)
>    and of course some Aussie engines and European engines.
>            Over the last 7 years I have built up quite a range of artwork
>    but, because of how I've done things (and market forces) most of my
>    artwork is for very rare engines which will probably not mean much to
>    most e-bayer's or engine collectors (how many of you need a plate for a
>    Lichfield engine for example).
>    Some questions I would like answered are :
>            1) Am I allowed to put a link back to my "Oldengine" page in an
>    e-Bay auction (without having to start an eBay Shop).

Yes. You would just add in something like " If you need a rare or unique 
plate visit "YOUR LINK" "

>            2) How would I explain to e-Bayers that I make plates to spec.
>    in spite of the fact that I'm offering "this or that common plate" and
>    am I allowed to send them back to my "Oldengine" page or ask them to
>    contact me directly to my e-mail address ?.

The same way you just did. The easy way would be to make up a few plates 
that cover a couple common engines and a couple rare ones. Take pictures 
of them but with BLANK serial/model info.
Then you put in the auction that these plates are made to order and that 
you need their information to complete the order.
I do this a lot with radios and pagers that need frequency or 
programming changes.

>            3) I would only offer plates that I have "in stock" on e-Bay so
>    that I could offer immediate despatch but how do I get the message over
>    that I can make any etched plate on order but that it would take some
>    time (You all know how bad my service is and how long it could take for
>    a "one off" plate :-))

That could be a BAD thing. I would make SURE that they know custom 
plates will take XXX Weeks.

>            4) Can I put a "reserve price" on e-Bay that is a dollar or two
>    higher than my webpage price to cover e-Bay and PayPal costs ?

You could BUT I would set the same price just to keep people from yelling.

>            5) What are the "Pro's and Cons" of a "Buy it now" price?

Buy it now is good IF you have a set price range for your item. What I 
would probably do would be to run maybe 2-3 different plates that are 
different sizes and that you have different prices on. Run them as 
auctions and see what kind of money you get. That would give you an idea 
of how they may sell. Then you could add BIN pricing if you wish.

>            I have a lot more questions but it is late and I've gotta get
>    my "Beauty Sleep" now so, any information will be accepted.
>    Thanks guys n gals
>    Keep the revs up (or down)
>    Jerry Evans
>    Near Johannesburg in Sunny South Africa.
>    Etched Brass Engine Plates made to order:
>    <[1]www.oldengine.org/members/evans/plates/index.htm>
> References
>    1. http://www.oldengine.org/members/evans/plates/index.htm
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Steve W.

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