[SEL] (Maybe O.T.) Selling my brass plates on e-Bay
Jerry Evans
jerrye at databak.co.za
Sun Sep 11 13:50:37 PDT 2011
Hi Guys n Gals,
I'd appreciate some input (tips, tricks, ideas etc.) from those
of you who sell "stuff" on e-bay.
I'm considering putting my "Brass spec. plates" on e-bay and my
current thoughts are as follows;
i) I will need to offer plates for "common" engines to "get the
ball rolling". Plates for example for "Wolseley", "Lister", "Ruston &
Hornsby" (British engines) , IHC, Novo and a few others (USA engines)
and of course some Aussie engines and European engines.
Over the last 7 years I have built up quite a range of artwork
but, because of how I've done things (and market forces) most of my
artwork is for very rare engines which will probably not mean much to
most e-bayer's or engine collectors (how many of you need a plate for a
Lichfield engine for example).
Some questions I would like answered are :
1) Am I allowed to put a link back to my "Oldengine" page in an
e-Bay auction (without having to start an eBay Shop).
2) How would I explain to e-Bayers that I make plates to spec.
in spite of the fact that I'm offering "this or that common plate" and
am I allowed to send them back to my "Oldengine" page or ask them to
contact me directly to my e-mail address ?.
3) I would only offer plates that I have "in stock" on e-Bay so
that I could offer immediate despatch but how do I get the message over
that I can make any etched plate on order but that it would take some
time (You all know how bad my service is and how long it could take for
a "one off" plate :-))
4) Can I put a "reserve price" on e-Bay that is a dollar or two
higher than my webpage price to cover e-Bay and PayPal costs ?
5) What are the "Pro's and Cons" of a "Buy it now" price?
I have a lot more questions but it is late and I've gotta get
my "Beauty Sleep" now so, any information will be accepted.
Thanks guys n gals
Keep the revs up (or down)
Jerry Evans
Near Johannesburg in Sunny South Africa.
Etched Brass Engine Plates made to order:
1. http://www.oldengine.org/members/evans/plates/index.htm
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