[SEL] Condensation problem in shop

Mark Shulaw frappi at wcoil.com
Tue Jan 18 11:59:38 PST 2011

Hi George,
  Fans are a good start, but if you do not want fans working all the 
time you need to set up humidistats to operate the fans, Or else 
manually monitor the situation. But depending on circumstances that 
may not be enough.  Three things relieve or fix condensation. (1)Air 
motion with blowers, fans, dehumidifiers or well thought out natural 
ventilation,  (2) Temperature Control,  (3) Insulation. And many 
times a combination of all.  And each solution depends on your 
construction details. What works for one situation may not fix the 
next. So a lot of details are needed to help you figure out the right 
solution for you. Everything affects condensation and I mean 
everything. Temp, humidity, rapid weather swings(As you well 
know),  Concrete, wood, stone or dirt floor. And how was each 
installed. Building construction, wall construction, insulation types 
and levels. And this just to get started.  Spouting is another 
important Detail, how is the water run away from the building?  First 
thing I look at is lay of the land around the building and does it 
have the roof properly spouted. That alone makes a huge difference. 
You really need to either give us all the details or have a good 
local with the knowledge come and take a look. This to get an exact 
fix without just starting to throw fixes at it.
  That said , you can start playing around with fans or blowers but 
nothing beats an on the spot inspection so an expert can see at a 
glance all the  details and advise from what they see.  You might 
just need more venting. Who knows.


At 11:53 AM 1/18/2011, you wrote:
>I know this isn't a problem for some of you.
>You may live in a dry climate or may have a heated shop building.
>However, in my case I have an unheated shop building in a wet climate.
>I do have a wood stove that gets used occasionally to warm up part 
>of the shop if I'm working.
>The problem is especially after periods of cold weather followed by 
>warmer weather,
>all the metal (machine tools, engines, etc) will be covered with condensation.
>I can't afford to keep a 30x60 building heated so wonder what my 
>other options are.
>I've read some people have had luck using ceiling or box fans to 
>keep the air moving in their buildings,
>and that has resolved the problem.
>However, I don't want to be running fans in the building all the 
>time if it isn't needed.

Mark Shulaw
454 County Road 33
Bluffton, OH. 45817

Frappi at wcoil.com / 419.358.5206  Home / 419.516.2996 Ver. Cell.
Hobby Collector and Dealer in Maytag Multi-Motor Engine parts.
VISIT the Maytag Collectors Club at  www.Maytagclub.com  

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