[SEL] Old Farm Master gen-set

Tony Kimmell amkimmell at gmail.com
Tue Oct 19 15:34:01 PDT 2010

Hey guys,
I came across an old generator for sale today.  It has a cast iron Briggs engine on it that looks to me like a model B.  The guy started it up for me and it makes electricity (he said it makes about 800 watts).  The tag says Farm Master on it.  Wasn't Farm Master a Sears brand?

Picture is at: http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs021.ash2/34400_1639835713718_1171552032_1784614_1922804_n.jpg

Crappy cell phone pic, but it's all I could manage at the time.  If anyone has any info on this thing it would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.


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