[SEL] Old Farm Master gen-set

Nelson Johnsrud gop4evr at lsol.net
Wed Oct 20 06:22:02 PDT 2010

I'm having some trouble with the photo, but yes, Sears did sell a lot of farm related equipment under the Farm Master logo.  Much of it was built by David Bradley corp., but there were several other suppliers.  Winco made some of the generators.  I'm sure there was at least one other manufacturer of some of their generators, but memory is not coming up with it right now.  In many cases, the stand-alone equipment was the same unit as was used with the tractors, just with different mounts.  A picture would help confirm that.

Nels Johnsrud
Manitowoc WI
gop4evr at lsol.net

On Oct 19, 2010, at 5:34 PM, Tony Kimmell wrote:

> Hey guys,
> I came across an old generator for sale today.  It has a cast iron Briggs engine on it that looks to me like a model B.  The guy started it up for me and it makes electricity (he said it makes about 800 watts).  The tag says Farm Master on it.  Wasn't Farm Master a Sears brand?
> Picture is at: http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs021.ash2/34400_1639835713718_1171552032_1784614_1922804_n.jpg
> Crappy cell phone pic, but it's all I could manage at the time.  If anyone has any info on this thing it would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.
> -Tony
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