[SEL] Canopy thread

frank skinner marinesurveys at msn.com
Tue Apr 28 16:36:58 PDT 2009

Powell & Powell Supply Company in NC sells Sams club their stuff & carry the 

King canopy brand name, link below




Check it out guys, Ive had a 10 x 20 for 6 years used 2 covers, 

anchored they will withstand near hurricane winds & have

here in Wilmington NC

        Franklin S. Skinner 
    Marine Surveyor & Consultant 
3428 Talon Court Wilmington NC 28409 
       34'10.9 North 74'52.4 West 
PH 910-791-8870 Cell 910-612-7470

> Date: Tue, 28 Apr 2009 18:58:54 -0400
> To: sel at lists.stationary-engine.com
> From: frappi at wcoil.com
> Subject: Re: [SEL] Favorite portable shade
> This I will say first and most stridently, The best canopy in the 
> world will be destroyed if not properly anchored down. That said over 
> 28 years of going to shows the canopies that are the shallow peak 
> silver tarp using the 3/4" EMT conduit for poles have in my opinion 
> shown the best of all overall through all kinds of weather. See the 
> link below for a picture of one. These properly anchored will survive 
> far and above more often then any other I have seen. These can be 
> gotten in all sizes, from 10X10 to whatever they make a tarp for. 
> Most commonly seen in the sixes 10X20 & 12X20 The size you get is up 
> to your needs. Make sure you buy the heavy duty silver with the 
> reinforced eyelets spaced about 20" apart. Get the longest rebar 
> stake you can find to serve as anchor for the post. 12" to 15" is the 
> common lengths but you can find them sometimes in 18" or make your 
> own length. These generally have a washer or a chain link welded to 
> them for the post to set on and the tie rope to latch to. And I 
> recommend that you get pet or dog tie screws to run in the ground 
> beside each post to run the tie down to for extra security in case of 
> a horrid storm. In your average to moderately severe storm with winds 
> up to 40-50 mph straight line wind the long rebar stakes will likely 
> serve well, soil type and condition has a big determining factor as 
> to how quick they may pull out. The style of canopy I mention is like 
> what's shown in this link. This is not an endorsement for this site 
> this is just a picture to represent what canopy I speak 
> about http://www.championcanopies.com/classic.html I see that 
> they only offer the classic in high peak now. (not pictured at this 
> link) , I do not recommend a high peak canopy. The high peak canopy 
> is more likely to have a problem in a high wind as the high sides of 
> the peak act more like a sail to catch the wind and shove a canopy 
> over. Seen that happen many times. The shallow peak allows the wind 
> to pass through more easily.
> The 3/4" EMT conduit poles have the best flex before bend rate you 
> can get. 1" EMT and especially those white large diameter poles you 
> get from the big box retailers and others is more likely to kink 
> before it bows and will kink while a 3/4" only flexes. Flexibility is 
> the key. If it will not flex it will kink. Myself I would recommend 
> the style of canopy pictured in the link in the 12X20 Size and get a 
> tarp with a valance for added coverage in a rain or late afternoon 
> sun. But your mileage may vary. With a little practice one man can 
> set up and stake down a 12X20 with the 3/4" poles in 20 minutes. With 
> inexperienced help 30 or more. 15 min or less if the helper has one 
> like yours and is well versed in its assembly (Thank You BOB!) . If 
> your help is unfamiliar with them lord help you. GRINNN
> As for the pop up and ez ups its not unusual to see them get torn 
> down in a rain. In my opinion they really are only safe for fare 
> weather. But hey its fun to see them afterwards. Sorry to any of you 
> who have lost one.
> Keep in mind the 12X20 I recommend can very easily be converted to 
> 10X12 or the 10X20 to 10X10 by purchasing another tarp and not using 
> a section of the connectors and conduit.
> I leave mine set up outside all year round. Only problem was with 
> snow load. A heavy snow bowed some poles but they easily straightened 
> enough to reuse.
> Remember ANCHOR any Tent or Canopy Securely!! Or we will laugh as 
> its blown down or away! Sorry its not hard to amuse us at an engine 
> show, GRINN. TTYL, Mark
> At 03:33 PM 4/28/2009, you wrote:
> >Hi all.
> >What is your favorite portable shade for your displays? Anything that
> >was a total waste of money?
> >
> >Ron Haskell
> >rdhaskell at juno.com
> >Riverside, California USA
> Mark Shulaw
> 454 Co. Rd. 33
> Bluffton, OH. 45817 USA
> Frappi at wcoil.com / 419.358.5206 Home / 419.516.2996 Ver. Cell.
> Hobby Collector and Dealer in Maytag Multi-Motor Engine parts.
> Check out the Maytag Collectors Club web site www.Maytagclub.com 
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