[SEL] (no subject) was now china now Stealing

oldiron62 at gmail.com oldiron62 at gmail.com
Sun Sep 7 20:16:13 PDT 2008

CHUCK    I did not do that !   It was meant as a joke,  dont like my stuff 
walking off and know how it feels. And I think there is a PAYDAY for 
theives.  Sorry if it sounded like a real happening I meant it as a joke 
only.  The truth is any of the feedstores hardware around here would give 
loan ect anything I might need at any time. I have good relationship with 
these stores and know that at current prices it would be devastating for 
them to loose a loss of this kind. I do not think that either place has 20 
pair of vice grips on the wall at any time. And I have 8-10 pair around the 
place already, some are 20+ years old. Sometimes i buy a pair at the flea 
market also I like the ones with a bit of weld on them for a buck or two. 
And then it could not be done the way I said, for the seed feed nails ect is 
out in another building.  Sorry again, it was meant as a joke only !! And 
should have been never said, my mistake im guilty of not being clear on 
that. The other day I was gettin some Orings and going in and out to match 
them up to hyd fitting in the truck. And come away with a couple in my 
pocket by accident, the next day I was back exchanging one and paying for 
them both.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Chuck Balyeat" <kerogas at sbcglobal.net>
To: "The SEL email discussion list" <sel at lists.stationary-engine.com>
Sent: Saturday, September 06, 2008 8:26 AM
Subject: Re: [SEL] (no subject) was now china

> > I am trying to finance there move to china, went and slipped 20 pairs 
> > (US
>> made) of the welding clamp jobs into a sack of seed wheat at the farm
>> store
>> last week. So that should get them well on their way to moving out china
>> bound, LOL> ironman
>> PS that bag of cover crop seed was a good buy :<) $12.00 and the vice
>> grips
>> enhanced the bargin a good bit. Oh I see that Crescent has sold out to 
>> the
>> chinese bastards also. They go good in loose nails also, only .99 cents a
>> pound !
> And at current margins how many will the feed store have to sell to merely
> break even
> and still cover the ones you ripped off  ?
> All this does  is advance the demise of your local feed store and the
> inevitable move
> to one much larger , farther away , and fully manned by mopheaded nitwits
> with nose rings that think Karl Marx was the one with the cigar .
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