[SEL] engine pictures

Alan rustaholic777 at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 7 16:20:46 PDT 2008

Hi Jerry,

"a cheap film camera and have digital prints made"
This statement means a one time use $3.00 to $4.00 sealed 35MM camera that usually will take 27 pictures.  
I saw some that were less than two bucks, but you have to make sure they have a flash at that price.
If you know when to use the flash and when not to you can take good pictures with it.

When you take it back to walmart you can get a $1.99 CD with all of the pictures on it.
You go home and shove that Cd into your computer and work on those pictures just like the ones we take with digital cameras.

It is a good deal if you are not ready to buy that digital camera right then.

Alan in Michigan

--- On Tue, 10/7/08, Jerry Evans <jerrye at databak.co.za> wrote:

> Hi Jim,
>          That's a hard question to give a definitive
> answer to. There are 
> so many good cameras out there now and the price keeps
> getting better.
>          I disagree with the suggestion that you should buy
> a cheap film 
> camera and have digital prints made. Film is slowly
> disappearing off the 
> market as digital gets better - cheap film camera's are
> just that -cheap. 
> Film is also expensive. The advantages of digital to the
> average (I assume, 
> you and I) guy who just wants some good quality pictures
> are just so much 
> greater than film. Also so much cheaper - take a bad shot
> !! Just hit the 
> delete button. Film costs you money to discover that the
> shot was bad. 35mm 
> film has 36 shots per roll of film ($$) digitals allow you
> to take 100's of 
> pics and sit at your computer later and delete the bad ones
> - practically 
> no cost involved. (You can also use software to improve
> them - with film 
> you need darkroom facilities and equipment to do this.)

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