[SEL] OT ..congrats to the US

Tony & Jackie kimmell at verizon.net
Sun Nov 9 08:26:21 PST 2008

At 03:40 AM 11/9/2008, you wrote:
>Guns ,well what frightens me is the number of guns you have ,the ordinary
>citizen . I have nothing against guns they are a needed in particular
>circumstances but not to have every second citizen carrying one ...idiots
>included.It must be easier to control the guns rather than the idiots .I
>know this will evoke a flood of impassioned response,so be it

I'm pretty passionate about it, but I can understand why opponents 
think that it's negative.  The media only shows you what bad can be 
accomplished with a gun.  Yet, those bad people are the very ones 
that gun control DOESN'T affect.  The only thing gun control does is 
take guns away from the law abiding citizens.  People who use guns 
for crime aren't worried about breaking the law to begun with.  Much 
the same way that marijuana is illegal, yet I bet you I could find 
myself some in less than an hour if I really wanted to (no, I don't 
smoke pot!).

Get yourself an NRA magazine and read up on all the good that can be 
done with a gun.  You'd be surprised how many crimes are thwarted 
with firearms (the liberal media never covers those stories).  It's 
been proven many times that communities with stringent gun laws 
eventually end up with higher crime rates, and vise versa.  Look at 
Chicago... they have a handgun ban, yet they are the murder capitol 
of the USA now.  That gun control worked wonders didn't it?  Thugs 
aren't quite as eager to go mug someone when there's a chance that 
they may be packing heat.

The really stupid part is that some of these idiots in government 
would like to make it a crime to defend yourself with a gun in your 
own home.  And our wonderful President elect is one of them.  I'm 
sorry, but if someone commits a crime with a gun or breaks into a 
home and they get shot and killed, I don't feel one bit sorry.


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