[SEL] OT ..congrats to the US

armstrong gnarmstrong at netnitco.net
Sun Nov 9 10:57:25 PST 2008

  What a bunch of crap!!  Since you know what our president elect believes 
and is going to do ---how about providing us all a real service by telling 
us what the weather is going to be like next week. Happy Birthday Marines , 
Semper Fi     George Armstrong
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tony & Jackie" <kimmell at verizon.net>
To: "The SEL email discussion list" <sel at lists.stationary-engine.com>
Sent: Sunday, November 09, 2008 10:26 AM
Subject: Re: [SEL] OT ..congrats to the US

> At 03:40 AM 11/9/2008, you wrote:
>>Guns ,well what frightens me is the number of guns you have ,the ordinary
>>citizen . I have nothing against guns they are a needed in particular
>>circumstances but not to have every second citizen carrying one ...idiots
>>included.It must be easier to control the guns rather than the idiots .I
>>know this will evoke a flood of impassioned response,so be it
> I'm pretty passionate about it, but I can understand why opponents
> think that it's negative.  The media only shows you what bad can be
> accomplished with a gun.  Yet, those bad people are the very ones
> that gun control DOESN'T affect.  The only thing gun control does is
> take guns away from the law abiding citizens.  People who use guns
> for crime aren't worried about breaking the law to begun with.  Much
> the same way that marijuana is illegal, yet I bet you I could find
> myself some in less than an hour if I really wanted to (no, I don't
> smoke pot!).
> Get yourself an NRA magazine and read up on all the good that can be
> done with a gun.  You'd be surprised how many crimes are thwarted
> with firearms (the liberal media never covers those stories).  It's
> been proven many times that communities with stringent gun laws
> eventually end up with higher crime rates, and vise versa.  Look at
> Chicago... they have a handgun ban, yet they are the murder capitol
> of the USA now.  That gun control worked wonders didn't it?  Thugs
> aren't quite as eager to go mug someone when there's a chance that
> they may be packing heat.
> The really stupid part is that some of these idiots in government
> would like to make it a crime to defend yourself with a gun in your
> own home.  And our wonderful President elect is one of them.  I'm
> sorry, but if someone commits a crime with a gun or breaks into a
> home and they get shot and killed, I don't feel one bit sorry.
> -Tony
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