[SEL] OT ..congrats to the US

peter ogborne jopeter at omninet.net.au
Sun Nov 9 01:40:38 PST 2008

Thanks Arnie for your reasoned and restrained reply.
I understand your passion for your system ,likewise mine for our system. 
Multiple voting does not work here as i said before electrol roll, name 
crossed of as you vote...you can not vote more than once .

Guns ,well what frightens me is the number of guns you have ,the ordinary 
citizen . I have nothing against guns they are a needed in particular 
circumstances but not to have every second citizen carrying one ...idiots 
included.It must be easier to control the guns rather than the idiots .I 
know this will evoke a flood of impassioned response,so be it .I am just 
voicing an opinion and please dont think I am questioning your politcal 
system.As I stated before I just was pleased to see a bigger than normal 
turn out to vote .The result ,well I dont know enough about Obama but I did 
feel that Bush was not the person your country needed or deserved. No more 
political OT from me but if there is any insulting vitriol may be I will 
reply off list.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: <fero_ah at city-net.com>
To: "The SEL email discussion list" <sel at lists.stationary-engine.com>
Sent: Sunday, November 09, 2008 2:44 PM
Subject: Re: [SEL] OT ..congrats to the US

> G'day Peter,
> Quoting peter ogborne <jopeter at omninet.net.au>:
>> Arnie old fella let me explain .Compulsory voting ,electrol rolls where 
>> you
>> enroll when you reach the age of 18 .You vote in your particular 
>> electorate
>> ,your name is crossed off and that is it,no double voting . I am not 
>> saying
>> it is perfect but it sure as hell beats the system you have ,electronic
>> bullshit ,chads etc.
> If you'd like to cast more than one vote in your next election, just let 
> me
> know.  We'll ship a couple of experienced Chicago ward-heelers down and 
> they'll
> fix you right up.  10 votes each?  No worries.  Vote your long dead 
> relatives?
> Not a problem.  You just need the advice of the pros.
>> In for a penny in for a pound .....Gun control! You cannot agree ,please
>> tell me you dont  that some irresponsible dick head who lets his 8 year 
>> old
>> kid fire off a machine gun at a gun fair ,the kid shoots himself in the 
>> head
>> and his bloody stupid Dad then wonders how it happened ,this dick head
>> should be not be let loose !
> Its not a matter of "gun control."  It's a lack of idiot control.  If 
> there were
> no guns, this idiot would have the 8-year old driving down the Interstate 
> or
> reching up into the power mower to clear a clog (or doing the same to the
> garbge disposal).
> See ya,  Arnie
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