[SEL] OT ..congrats to the US

fero_ah at city-net.com fero_ah at city-net.com
Sat Nov 8 21:44:04 PST 2008

G'day Peter,

Quoting peter ogborne <jopeter at omninet.net.au>:

> Arnie old fella let me explain .Compulsory voting ,electrol rolls where you 
> enroll when you reach the age of 18 .You vote in your particular electorate 
> ,your name is crossed off and that is it,no double voting . I am not saying 
> it is perfect but it sure as hell beats the system you have ,electronic 
> bullshit ,chads etc.

If you'd like to cast more than one vote in your next election, just let me
know.  We'll ship a couple of experienced Chicago ward-heelers down and they'll
fix you right up.  10 votes each?  No worries.  Vote your long dead relatives? 
Not a problem.  You just need the advice of the pros.

> In for a penny in for a pound .....Gun control! You cannot agree ,please 
> tell me you dont  that some irresponsible dick head who lets his 8 year old 
> kid fire off a machine gun at a gun fair ,the kid shoots himself in the head
> and his bloody stupid Dad then wonders how it happened ,this dick head 
> should be not be let loose !

Its not a matter of "gun control."  It's a lack of idiot control.  If there were
no guns, this idiot would have the 8-year old driving down the Interstate or
reching up into the power mower to clear a clog (or doing the same to the
garbge disposal).

See ya,  Arnie

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