[SEL] OT ..congrats to the US

Tony & Jackie kimmell at verizon.net
Sat Nov 8 20:16:59 PST 2008

At 08:56 PM 11/8/2008, you wrote:
>electrol rolls where you
>enroll when you reach the age of 18 .You vote in your particular electorate
>,your name is crossed off and that is it,no double voting . I am not saying
>it is perfect but it sure as hell beats the system you have ,electronic
>bullshit ,chads etc.

That actually sounds like a good idea.  We are required to sign up 
for selective service (the millitary draft) when we turn 18, so they 
might as well extend that to voter registration.  I don't agree with 
forcing people to vote, but you wouldn't have to.

This would at least put ACORN out of their misery, and they could 
stop signing up my dog and Mickey Mouse to vote...


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