[SEL] Harry's / SEL attachments

Listerdiesel listerdiesel at gmail.com
Mon Jun 2 08:18:45 PDT 2008

On 02/06/2008, Chuck Balyeat <kerogas at sbcglobal.net> wrote:
>   I ve shot some serious tennis balls outta that thing .
> ////////////////////////
> Yet another instance where a posted pic would would be helpful .
> Was the SEL  ban on  pics a technical obstacle , or is it still a netiquitte
> thing
> tied to dial up ? The passing years have just about rendered the technical
> part extinct .
> Even the kids in school are emailing pics back and forth on their phones now
> Chuck

It has a lot to do with hosting space etc and software to run it all.
The forum that Spencer set up has that facility if I remember
correctly, the email list doesn't.

Peter A Forbes
Email: listerdiesel at gmail.com

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