[SEL] Sticking lead to cast iron

Richard Strobel Richard_Strobel7 at msn.com
Thu Feb 28 06:47:35 PST 2008

Ok great Peter.  I think we've seen both hydrochloric and suphuric acid used 
here.  I would imagine the intent is to clean and leave a nice etched 
surface.  Now I need to find the Copper Sulfate.

  I'm not fixing a crack or anything like that.  Just adding weight to the 
crank counterweights that was melted out in order to get to the attaching 
hardware.  I'd sure like to know how one balances an engine especially with 
the big flywheel belt pulleys.  Seems I remember a gizmo that went on a 
vehicle wheel in the same area as the lead weights.  It was a circular tube 
with many ball bearings in it and they would automatically balance the wheel 
and tire.  Anyone else remember that gizmo and did it work?

White stuff almost gone...crankup soon...whooopeeee.


> Richard ...a little more to help you.
> A coppering solution...............
> To four ounces of distilled water add Copper Sulphate  [ Blue Vitriol]. I 
> am
> sorry but my recipe does not say how much ,you may have to experiment. Add
> 10 drops of Sulphuric Acid.Wipe the solution on to a grease free surface ,
> [the cast iron].If you do not get a bright copper surface scour the 
> surface
> with fine emery and add four or five more drops of the solution. You 
> should
> then have a good surface to tin for your solder application to the cast
> iron. 

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