[SEL] Favorite type of engine

Brian Watts briwatt at optusnet.com.au
Mon Oct 29 20:54:33 PDT 2007

My son & I started of buying engines by the load we could fit in the Ute & 
Trailer, we seem to have changed to Kerosene Hot bulb - Sideshaft 
portables, now we have some on a full base,also have a few american petrol 
ones and have just bought a Diesel Box Blackstone, we always say we have 
enough engines but more keep turning up and we say wait till next year or 
unless it is spectacular.
  The wives are told the once in the shed and in the dark the breed and more 
So where this hobby of collecting ends up I really don`t know, if we like 
the look of an engine we buy.
  We buy when.he likes it or I like it or we both like it, we don1t have to 
 Favourite engine would be ....any!
It really is a disease!
David Watts (03) 97293304
damewatt at bigpond.com
Brian Watts (03) 97266147
briwatt at optusnet.com.au

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