[SEL] OT PA trip & fuel costs

Peter Lowe plowe at exemail.com.au
Tue Jun 5 05:34:58 PDT 2007

You guys are bitching about nothing, we pay $4.10 to $4.24US a gallon here, 
that is converted to US gallons and Oz $ to US$, that is on a good day.
Seeing you guzzle the largest amount of the worlds GAS, why shouldn't you 
pay for it. (smile) now watch the flames get thrown ;-)))
It is only going to get more expensive, so hang on to you wallets.

Peter, Oz

> Iowa gas was 3.09 when we left, it went up from there with Ohio at about
> 3.49, Indiana at 3.59 and PA at 2.99 to 3.04.
> (*When I got back Iowa had shot up to 3.29, but has settled to 2.99 
> since.)
> Bill
> Runnells, Iowa

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