[SEL] Life happens!!, good ending.

JR504 at aol.com JR504 at aol.com
Wed Dec 19 06:37:02 PST 2007

Many year ago a buddy of mine was mowing the lawn with a push mower.   It 
began to shake violently, but only for a moment.  The mower blade broke  in half 
and the loose part went flying.  His 3 or 4 year old son was  outside at the 
time and was instantly knocked off his feet.  John (my  buddy) was thinking the 
worst as he ran over to him, but found that the blade  had hit the ground 
just in front of where the kid was standing.   It dug a divot out of the lawn as 
it passed under his feet, and came back out of  the ground just passed him.  
He found the blade lodged in the door of his  Chevy a few feet away.  I'd still 
be having nightmares had I witnessed  it.  
"You don't  build a reputation on what you're going to do"
Henry  Ford

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