[SEL] Life happens!!, good ending.

Mark Shulaw frappi at wcoil.com
Wed Dec 19 08:15:50 PST 2007

Their Guardian Angel was protecting them that day.     Merry 
Christmas,     Mark

At 09:37 AM 12/19/07, you wrote:
>Many year ago a buddy of mine was mowing the lawn with a push mower.   It
>began to shake violently, but only for a moment.  The mower blade 
>broke  in half
>and the loose part went flying.  His 3 or 4 year old son was  outside at the
>time and was instantly knocked off his feet.  John (my  buddy) was 
>thinking the
>worst as he ran over to him, but found that the blade  had hit the ground
>just in front of where the kid was standing.   It dug a divot out of the 
>lawn as
>it passed under his feet, and came back out of  the ground just passed him.
>He found the blade lodged in the door of his  Chevy a few feet away.  I'd 
>be having nightmares had I witnessed  it.
>"You don't  build a reputation on what you're going to do"
>Henry  Ford

Mark & Christine Shulaw
Bluffton, Ohio
Email: Frappi at wcoil.com
Home #419.358.5206

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