[SEL] Re: Message from Tommy Berry concerning the SEL.
Mike Royster
mr at carolina.rr.com
Sun Oct 29 08:51:26 PST 2006
Oh my gosh!!!!! I just returned from sunny Arden from a fantastic engine
show and see all the slanderous emails. Oh the jealousy abounds form the
ignorant and uninformed! Let me now set the record straight.
I arrived in scenic Arden about noon on Friday, having driven up from
Shelby in a fine gentle soothing mist. Since I never had to pull over, I
would not call it a downpour. Arriving at the fairgrounds It was a welcome
sight to see so many displays already set up ahead of me. The SEL site was
clearly marked, and there were 5 sites just for me!!! The beautiful
displays of red, green, blue and silver tarps were everywhere, reminding me
of the prayer flags on Everest! Even though no one from the SEL was on site
to greet me and help me set up, I felt the joy and warmth spreading as the
balmy winds and welcome mist continued. As I unhooked I saw my brother
appear through the gentle rains with an umbrella, much as Mary Poppins
gliding down the street! Naturally, wanting hime to be at ease, I too put
on all my raingear and popped the bumbershoot so he would feel at ease.
We strolled the entire fairgrounds stopping to look for the early
bargains, lifting the tarps, emptying our boots of the falling mist. Did I
see any SEL members? Any Arden club member? Any vendors?
NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! It appeared there are few hearty souls out on such
a fine day. No Tommy Berry, no Hollands, No ONE!!! So, about 4:30 we went
to help the local economy with the trickle down effect, no pun intended.
Ahhhhhhh, but Saturday was gorgeous, and there is much to tell. Stay tuned
oh readers, see which members showed up, who brought engines, and who left
them locked in their trailer to claim "I brought the wrong set of keys!!!!"
More in installment 2!!!!!!!
Mike ( wet, muddy, cold and showing engines) Royster
----- Original Message -----
From: "Arnie Fero" <fero_ah at city-net.com>
To: "The SEL email discussion list" <sel at lists.stationary-engine.com>
Cc: <stationary-engine at oldengine.org>
Sent: Saturday, October 28, 2006 9:22 AM
Subject: Re: [SEL] Re: Message from Tommy Berry concerning the SEL.
> Hiya kelley,
> On Sat, 28 Oct 2006, Kelley Garcia wrote:
>> Sounds like someone speaking from experience ;-)
>> PS. Do your bunny slippers match your quilt?
> Good grief woman!! REAL MEN don't wear bunny slippers, quilted or
> otherwise. My slippers are MANLY sheepskin mukluks. 8-))
> As to the Cloistered Oysters, it's fuzzy pink bunny slippers fer sure!!
> Probably connected to a full fuzzy pink bunny suit.
> (Think of Ralphie in "A Christmas Story" on Christmas morning. THAT
> would be Steve & Mike in matching outfits.)
>> PPS. Had you and Dave decided to trek west, you could be basking in KA
>> sunshine while at an engine/airplane/car show http://www.wwrexpo.net/
> Looks like fun. Do you guys exhibit or just attend? I didn't see any
> pics of engines or farm equipment on their website.
>> PPPS we coulda even brought the mud pump for you to run in honor of
>> Arden!
> And use the pumped water to keep the wild fires at bay? 8-))
> See ya, Arnie
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