[SEL] Working on a Maytag for my Grandson.

Dave Rotigel rotigel at alltel.net
Sat Oct 28 15:01:55 PDT 2006

Hi Bill,
At 05:37 PM 10/28/2006, you wrote:
>OK, We are working on a model 91 single cyl Maytag, now can some of you  tell
>me if the taper pin that holds the kick start mechanism on the crankshaft  is
>it driven out from the slot end or the other end of the pin ?


>  My Grandson
>and I are going to take the cast iron Maytag parts over to my OLE  Buddy Paul
>Maples next Saturday and bead blast them and I want to know if I  can 
>paint the
>inside of the cast iron gas tank with Epoxy paint to keep it from  getting
>rusty and cruddy.

Use either a good gas tank sealer or leave it alone. With the proper 
gasoline/oil mixture it will be fine for another 75 years!

>  What was that stuff that they use to paint red the  inside of
>engines and it stayed slick and pretty, seems like it was Glyptol any  of you
>fellows remember it?

Sorry Bill, I'm not that old!

>Bill Miller
PS, You didn't tell your grandson that the MAYTAG would run, did you? 

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