[SEL] now tractor pull picture

bill at antique-engines.com bill at antique-engines.com
Fri Jun 23 07:27:51 PDT 2006

Have you ever seen the cable - or chain - break and hit someone in the head?
In one case i saw, the cable broke and it snapped like slingshot busting
the glass out of the cab. Lucky driver had a cab between him and it or I
hate to think........


> At 06:00 PM 22/06/2006, you wrote:
>>From: "Luke Tonneberger" <flywheelin at hotmail.com>
>>Subject: RE: [SEL] Re: Please help identify this engine / now tractor
>>         pull    picture
>>To: sel at lists.stationary-engine.com
>>Is it just me or does the front end of this tractor look dangerously
>> high?
>>Luke Tonneberger
>>Rockford, Michigan
> Hi Luke,
>          We don't have tractor pull competitions here but this reminds me
> of when I was younger and stupider (some people would say it was the other
> way around). I tried to pull a stuck truck out of loose sand with my
> Massey
> Ferguson 35 using a cable.  I just hooked the cable into the tractors top
> link (it was the most accessible spot) and put her into extra low and
> started pulling. Before you could say "Stupid Fool" the front wheels were
> higher than my head. I hit the clutch but it would not release - in
> desperation I managed to bang the gear lever hard enough to disengage and
> the tractor fell back to earth - the front wheels bounced a few times but
> fortunately nothing broke.
>          Since then I ONLY ever hitch a cable to the casting below the
> front wheels and run it out below the rear axle to the item being towed.
> Much safer.
> Keep the revs up (or down)
> Jerry Evans
> Near Johannesburg in Sunny South Africa.
> Tel. (016) 365-5787 or 083 283 7191
> Visit our website for old engines in South Africa.
> www.oldengine.org/members/evans
> ---
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