[SEL] Stover

Richard Fink Sr nancydick at pennswoods.net
Thu Jun 8 20:49:24 PDT 2006

Thanks Joe and Reg they are set now at least 30 th. Will get some time soon 
to recheck.
R Fink

At 10:31 AM 6/8/2006 -0400, you wrote:
>Hi Rich,
>You sure seem to have more than enough trouble with mags.
>I've never putzed with the mags on my engines - but -
>just for fun, I went out to see what mine were set at.
>When open the points are about 1/8th inch.
>The Wico Manual doesn't give a specific gap - However - It tells it like
>On engines using the type No.2 drive (such as Stover CT-1)
>the breaker point contacts should just open when the armature
>is 3/32" away from the cores.
>Hope this helps.
>  Joe "Pip" Betz said that.
>  jlb94 at juno.com - - - www.oldengine.org/members/betz
>   ,-._,-.      http://community.webshots.com/user/pipbetz
>   \/)"(\/         "The big fish always get away -
>   (_o_)                    that's why they're big."
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