[SEL] From a newsgroup: Pissing,getting OT now!

James Moran jrmoraninc at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 26 16:05:09 PST 2006

Well, I will say this much.  This thread has  done much to perfect my skills at the utilization of the delete  button.  Better yet, I can do so without fear of losing a  digit...my mouse never bites back.

peter ogborne <jopeter at omninet.net.au> wrote:  Yes you said it .............''Pissing Matches '' ? Not quite sure what a 
previous contributor meant by this term .How high ,how long,number of times 
,the latter could I fear indicate a health problem ?As a pimply faced youth 
there was a sort of fascination in this subject . I must admit that it is 
hard to convince my wife that having a ''Slash '' on the Lemon Tree is 
beneficial to the health and productivity of this member of the Citrus 
family.My theory is that it is a sort of territory thing ,my Jack Russell 
does it all the time !
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "John Culp" 
To: "The SEL email discussion list" 
Sent: Friday, January 27, 2006 6:47 AM
Subject: Re: [SEL] From a newsgroup: Lookin For: Crank for 1.5hp Economy

>> Frustration in not a reason to use a crank.
> No, but having an engine that was designed to start with a crank and isn't 
> readily started otherwise is an excellent reason to use one. There are 
> quite a few of those, and I own several. I'm not interested in pissing 
> matches, either, but someone always starts up with this "never use a 
> crank" nonsense whenever a crank is mentioned. Arnie's already stated the 
> facts well.
> John Culp
> Bristol, Tennessee, USA
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