[SEL] From a newsgroup: Lookin For: Crank for 1.5hp Economy

FRM8198 at aol.com FRM8198 at aol.com
Wed Jan 25 14:51:53 PST 2006

In a message dated 1/25/2006 11:47:10 A.M. Pacific Standard Time,  
fero_ah at city-net.com writes:

It's not  the evil hand crank, or the heavy ackward engine, or the  spinning
flywheels, or the moving crankshaft, or the ungarded gears.   It's a person
who got careless.

How true your words are!  I have the hand to prove it.   Yes, I tangled with 
crankshaft on my Economy.  I forgot that the Economy  had an open crankshaft.  
While trying to start it with an electric motor,  my hand slip into the 
crankshaft turning area.  Heck, it only took a trip  to the ER and ten stitches 
this time.  This is the same hand that tried to  stop my 4¼" grinder.  I spent 
two days in the hospital with this boo boo.  

Francis  Maciel
Santa Maria, CA

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