[SEL] Get it together Spencer

Mark Kennedy flywheel at netconnect.com.au
Wed Feb 15 22:11:49 PST 2006

If it wasn't for Spencer we wouldn't be here at all.

Membership is a choice that carries with it rights and responsibilities. 
Tolerance and understanding should come with the territory - especially of 
a free and usually well moderated service. Not many bargains around like 
that these days!

And if you're unhappy, there is always the unsubscribe option!



>----- Original Message ----- From: "Jeff Allen" <transteck at earthlink.net>
>To: "The SEL email discussion list" <sel at lists.stationary-engine.com>
>Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2006 11:19 PM
>Subject: [SEL] Get it together Spencer
>>There is absolutely no excuse for the crap on the SEL list. 24 hour, 48 
>>hour delay. Been there and done that with this and only this list before. 
>>In my opinion it's not worth the bother. Change your so called spam 
>>filters. They are nothing but a pain in the ass to list members and this 
>>IS THE ONLY LIST I HAVE HAD THIS PROBLEM WITH. Your "secure" auction site 
>>was hacked last year, and now we have to put up with this? Not worth the 
>>trouble for me. Call me gone!!
>>-- Jeff Allen
>>Arvada, Colorado, USA
>>transteck at earthlink.net
>>SEL mailing list
>>SEL at lists.stationary-engine.com
>SEL mailing list
>SEL at lists.stationary-engine.com

Mark Kennedy
Ballarat, Victoria, Australia

Registrar for the WING Gauge & Instrument Co.

'Training Down Under with the majesty of the South Australian Railways'

All aboard the Pichi Richi Railway! http://www.prr.org.au/

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