[SEL] Help request for a winter project

Rob Skinner rskinner at rustyiron.com
Thu Dec 7 09:51:28 PST 2006

On Dec 7, 2006, at 9:22 AM, MBellar at aol.com wrote:
> Tom;  Thank you for your reply. I did not consider your thoughts   
> because the
> cylinder is deeply rust pitted and badly out-of -round.   
> Additionally, the
> piston has a crack in the skirt so I may have to replace it.  The  
> JB weld filled
> in the cylinder pits and partially corrected  the out-of-roundness,  
> but with
> regular metal rings there was no  compression. Subtitling rubber  
> "O" rings
> restored compression, but I think  that they pump too much oil into  
> the
> combustion chamber causing  igniter problems. I have not tried  
> replacing the lower "O"
> ring with a  metal ring perhaps that would allow most of the  
> cylinder oil to
> blow out  the back of the cylinder instead of being forced into the  
> combustion
> chamber. I  am hoping to hear from other List members on their  
> resleeving
> experiences  after the off topic hedge apple thread has ended.

Hi Tom,
If you decide to sleeve, consider piston, also.  Do you want to stick  
an oblong piston into your $hiny new $leeve?  It's probably best to  
have the machine work done on the piston, so when you're done,  
everything will be perfect.


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