[SEL] Slick Willy Sign-Up Process

jlb94 at juno.com jlb94 at juno.com
Tue Apr 18 09:33:15 PDT 2006

In reply to the Slick WIlly list.

Why don't we just create a "List" for everybody on the list.?

That way we can satisfy EVERYBODY as they sit there and talk to

Hey - - - I don't care much for the religion stuff - 
but - I have a DELETE key.
Why get upset ?

Joe "Pip" Betz said that. 
jlb94 at juno.com - - - www.oldengine.org/members/betz
 ,-._,-.          http://community.webshots.com/user/pipbetz
 \/)"(\/         "The man who claims he never made a mistake in his life
 (_o_)          generally has a wife who did.."

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