[SEL] Cotton Ginning Days show Oct 14, 15, and 16th

Curt curt at imc-group.com
Thu Sep 8 10:47:35 PDT 2005

Hi all,
It is getting that time of year when the cotton bolls are popping and 
picking will be soon. Our show has been celebrating the region's history 
of cotton growing and processing for nearly 2 decades. The fulcrum of 
our show is the 1900 gin being driven by the big Fairbanks Morse engine. 
A few pictures can be seen here:

Since the beginning we have worked in conjunction with Gaston County to 
put this show on and the result is that this is now a festival that 
draws 25,000 spectators over the course of the 3 day weekend, according 
to the county estimates.

Every year we have a feature engine or tractor. This year our feature is 
drag saws of all makes. We already have 4 or 5 saws and operators 
pledged to make saw dust. The more saws and operators the better!

So put the weekend of Oct 14, 15 and 16th on your calender and come join 
us in Dallas, NC (just north of Gastonia). As always there is a free 
dinner served in the dinning hall for all diplaying attendees on 
Saturday evening. There are several cash drawings on Sunday afternoon 
and cash paid for the best guess on the weight of the ginned bales of 
cotton. Directions are at:

Curt Holland
Gastonia, NC

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