[SEL] Charity Auction proceeds.

Arnie Fero fero_ah at city-net.com
Thu Sep 1 05:25:02 PDT 2005

Hi Jeff,

Your reaction is quite normal.  Much of the nation feels a "need" to help
those in the South who have been wiped out and will do so to the extent of
their charitable giving limits.

However, the SEL Charity Auction has as its core mission an imperative to
help support and foster old iron related charitable endevors with a small
percentage going to "traditional" charities.  To that end at Portland this
year there were discussions regarding SEL support of a scholorship program
in the mechanics & machinery area.  More on that later.

As deep as the need is in the South, I feel that it would be wrong to
divert SEL Charity Auction funds to that purpose.  I also feel that folks
who contributed to hurricane relief efforts would feel the same way if
their contributions were diverted to support the Coolspring Power Museum.

If you feel strongly about helping, why not write a personal check to one
of the relief efforts?  Or a second one if you've already given.

BTW, did I miss you at the Portland SEL Charity Auction?

See ya, Arnie

Arnie Fero
Pittsburgh, PA
fero_ah at city-net.com

On Wed, 31 Aug 2005, Jeff Allen wrote:

> Just got to view an hour long special on hurricane Katrina. Words can't
> come close to describing what I saw. I know there is government help and
> international help on the way. Cash money is needed now. Cast your vote.
> Mine is for all proceeds from this auction to folks on the ground that
> can use the money to help.

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