[SEL] Fun Saturday with old iron!

John Hammink jg.hammink at quicknet.nl
Mon Nov 14 09:55:57 PST 2005

Curt pity you didn't take a picture while in action.

John H.

> A neighbor had a nice red oak taken down and asked if I wanted the tree 
> since we heat with wood. Most everything was cut in 5' lengths making 
> sawing with a chain saw less than ideal. So on Saturday morning we fired 
> up the 8HP Famous buzz saw in an a couple of hours cut it all up. There 
> were about 2 truck loads of limbs to cut. It took Devin and I the rest 
> of the day to split and stack the wood.
> Before starting:
> http://www.oldengine.org/members/holland/images/8Famous/P1010102.jpg
> Finished:
> http://www.oldengine.org/members/holland/images/8Famous/P1010104.jpg
> http://www.oldengine.org/members/holland/images/8Famous/P1010106.jpg
> We do this a couple of times a year in addition to using it at shows. 
> How many others regularly use your old hit and miss engines? Tell us 
> about it.....
> Curt Holland
> Gastonia, NC

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