[SEL] Insurance and safety rules

Jeff Allen transteck at earthlink.net
Wed May 18 17:34:53 PDT 2005

Hi all,

 I didn't know if rules like this were standard or not. Seems they are 
not. Gave a lot of thought today, and enjoyed the many comments from all 
of you. There is one in the "Code of Conduct" that really hit home for 
me. I think it may have been meant for me. It reads: " Each member will 
never allow personal feelings to deter them from their responsibilities 
as an officer, director, or member of the club."

I think the club should look into invitations to show our stuff. I think 
these invitations should be in the newsletter, and each individual 
should be allowed to make their own choice on attending or not. I don't 
think the bored of directors should blow them all off. Those are my 
personal feelings on this. Do those personal feeling deter from my 
responsibilities as a member? Hell I'm not even sure what my 
responsibilities as a member are.

I would think promoting the club by way of showing at others events 
would be in the best interest of all. Perhaps that might even be part of 
my responsibility as member. Oops!! There are those pesky personal 
feeling again. I think I just broke article 3, section 5 of the by-laws. 
What the hell. If the short one and I can't both be behind the rope to 
show who cares if I'm kicked out or not. Ain't lost much there have I ?

Wish I could make Portland. Maybe Missoula and Bird City this year. 
Sigh! Not a happy camper tonight.

Thanks for all your comments folks,

Jeff Allen

P.S. I wish Arnie would start spelling his last name right. Spell 
checker kicks it every time, and it has to be write on this.

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