[SEL] Brass bikes

kerogas at sbcglobal.net kerogas at sbcglobal.net
Sat Mar 5 11:37:18 PST 2005

 > Hey Chuck,
> I didn't know you played with bikes that old.  Whatcha ride?  We got to
visit a
> chap last year who had some bikes.  Just sitting on it way up there in the
> was a scary experience.  It certainly wasn't the sort of thing you'd want
> lean over into an 80 mph curve.  A no hander on the doubles is out of the
> question.
> Rob

A shaw -a merkel-- and a 45 bobber    1912 , 1914,  respectively ,
the 45 is a mongrel of WW2 army surplus parts with a G motor and tranny
(reverse...weeeee! )

I "ride " an evo sporty chopper , and a KX 125 , the bobber is next on my
list , and Im geting antsy
Anybody got a pair of 16" starhub wheels ?  I need to get the 18"s off as
they have brand new
60  YO goodyears on em right now . Got em way back before this stuff was
cool  (pre eBay ! $$ ) .
They are destined to land on a trailer queen with more bread than I .

        I have to ponder ...........
Would it be good or bad if all the yuppies sold their evos  and bought IHC
LB's , John deere E's ,
and hog oiler collections  ?


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