[SEL] Was: Tearing up the Books Now: Brass bikes

Rob Skinner rskinner at rustyiron.com
Fri Mar 4 17:18:45 PST 2005

> I  have really freaked out a couple of brass bike dweebs in the past
> it seems that it is very uncouth in the" upper orbit" of that clique ,
> to ride your pre teen bike around for fun . Or maybe just mine eh ?
> "They are just too fragile and irreplacable " You could crash it ..

Hey Chuck,
I didn't know you played with bikes that old.  Whatcha ride?  We got to visit a
chap last year who had some bikes.  Just sitting on it way up there in the sky
was a scary experience.  It certainly wasn't the sort of thing you'd want to
lean over into an 80 mph curve.  A no hander on the doubles is out of the


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