[SEL] Kerosene

John Hammink jg.hammink at quicknet.nl
Wed Jun 22 13:28:33 PDT 2005

This is what my 1912 IHC operators guide says.

Kerosene as sold today varies between 42 degrees and 44 degrees,
Beaume test. It is the common belief that gasoline is more easily eva-
porated  and ignited than kerosene, that it gives more power but the
reverse is true. Kerosene and the lower grade oils such as distillate,
solaroil, fuel oil, etc., contain more heat units than a equal bulk of
gasoline and in a properly designed engine will give proportionately
more power.

I think that's why it got its name "Power Kerosene".
An image of a Beaume test can be seen at:

John Hammink
Anna Paulowna, Netherlands.
jg.hammink at quicknet.nl

> Rob Skinner wrote > June 22, 2005 7:00 PM

> I'm sceptical of the practice of using the terms "power kerosene" and "lighting
> kerosene" to describe a specific product.  I've found no technical references
> that utilize such nomenclature and no references that specifically describe the
> characteristics of either.  

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