[SEL] Re: Literature on Old Engine - Ethics Question
Jeff Allen
transteck at earthlink.net
Sat Feb 26 12:51:05 PST 2005
Hi Arnie,
Where do we draw the line? Should I pull the Maytag manual? How about
the Fairbanks Z manual? Reprints of both are sold on E-bay. Will some
child go without dinner tonight because I am giving away the public
domain information that they sell?
I won't buy a reprint and put it online. I don't think that is ethical
because I didn't do the work. I will buy original material and put it
online if it is public domain. I have as much right to use it as anyone.
I made a choice to share whatever information I can as opposed to trying
to sell it.
I did remove the links on the index page, but only because they are dead
links now.
Jeff Allen
PS. What about the Maytag restoration? Someone is now selling a book on
E-bay covering that.
Arnie Fero wrote:
>Hi Folks,
>I've got a problem with two of the items that are listed in this handy
>dandy collection of literature.
>Specifically, the Bessemer Oilfield Engine manual and the Wico EK manual.
>In my opinion we have no business putting those on the web or keeping
>them there.
>The reason that I strongly object is that these are items that Ed Deis
>sells at Hit & Miss Enterprises. Notice the "L03" and the "L43" in the
>upper right hand corner of the cover pages? Those are Ed's "Catalog
>Numbers." http://www.hitnmiss.com/22.htm
>He lists L03 for sale for $15 and L43 for $3.
>Do we REALLY need to rip someone off who provides so many parts and so
>much literature to the hobby? Come on, if you want a copy of those
>manuals, send Hit & Miss $15 or $3. If you're in this hobby to any
>extent, even $15 isn't gonna break the bank. Hell, I spill beer worth
>more than that on a typical engine show weekend!
>How about it folks? Take those off the web. Let's not cut the hobby
>suppliers who do so much for us. In fact, why not add a link to Hit &
>Miss's Literature page and push some business Ed's way?
>See ya, Arnie
>PS - PLEASE don't go into a long song & dance about where the scans came
>from or how long they've been on the web. Frankly, I don't care. I think
>keeping them on the web now is the wrong thing to do.
>Arnie Fero
>Pittsburgh, PA
>fero_ah at city-net.com
>On Sat, 26 Feb 2005, Listerdiesel wrote:
>>OK, I have rewritten the menu page for the document section to reflect
>>the overall pictorial changes that we made to the Oldengine site a few
>>years ago. The direct URL for the documents section is :
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