[SEL] sorta O/T but safety related and bizarre

Richard Strobel Richard_Strobel7 at msn.com
Tue Feb 22 05:31:34 PST 2005

Yup, me thinks ya got it, Dave :-)). And washers would have made it somewhat 
more safer.  It will get done right.  Another weirdo is that I never jack on 
the underside of the ball for fear of screwing up the threads, but in this 
case I did as I was using 2x's.  I didn't know it was a bolt.

Ya'll know why you cross safety chains....if two are used??  Took me a while 
to figger out that one.

  Well maybe we will all go out and do a good safety check on our hitches 
this spring and have a safe ride in the following months.

Life is good!

> I've looked at the pictures at least a dozen times and think I have
> discovered the problem. The hitch is rated for 4,000 lbs and the jack that
> Rick used was 2 1/4 ton! Plain as day right there in
> http://community.webshots.com/photo/267622410/279540064rNbdde Once you
> realize that the jack is rated 500 lbs more than the hitch it all falls
> into place--or out of place as this case may be!
>          Dave
> PS, As Dolly would say EAZY PEAZY!
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