[SEL] Snipping and Flaming, and Sigs, and Castings

Jeff Allen transteck at earthlink.net
Sun Dec 18 19:57:23 PST 2005

Wow Rick,

That's a helluva sig, and I was just ready to write about you. :-))

I got my casting back from Rick a few weeks ago. First class work and I 
would recommend him for any castings you might need.


P.S. Throw a link to your site in your sig. Some may not know of your work.

Jeff Allen
Arvada, Colorado, USA
transteck at earthlink.net

Rick Rowlands wrote:

> Just so that everyone knows where I am in case I need any help with 
> something I have modified my sig to include my location.
> Rick Rowlands
> sitting in my chair at the computer
> in the living room
> of our apartment on the third floor
> on the north side of Youngstown, Ohio
> halfway between Cleveland and Pittsburgh
> halfway between New York and Chicago
> on the North American Continent
> in the northern hemisphere
> of the planet Earth
> Third body orbiting Sol
> about halfway out on one of the spirals of the milky Way Galaxy

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