[SEL] Snipping and Flaming, and Sigs

Dave Rotigel rotigel at alltel.net
Sun Dec 18 20:08:03 PST 2005

Hi Rick,
         You have no idea how I appreciate this information. For years I 
believed that you were in your dining room and, therefore, had no way of 
contacting you to offer help!
PS, Reg, is this thread going the way you suspected that it would?

At 08:47 PM 12/18/2005, you wrote:
>Just so that everyone knows where I am in case I need any help with 
>something I have modified my sig to include my location.
>Rick Rowlands
>sitting in my chair at the computer
>in the living room
>of our apartment on the third floor
>on the north side of Youngstown, Ohio
>halfway between Cleveland and Pittsburgh
>halfway between New York and Chicago
>on the North American Continent
>in the northern hemisphere
>of the planet Earth
>Third body orbiting Sol
>about halfway out on one of the spirals of the milky Way Galaxy

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