[SEL] Fw: Broadband and the town of Manas ,Virginia,USA, a bit OT

Michael P. Koryciak guitronics at comcast.net
Sat Aug 27 01:37:28 PDT 2005

Amen to that,Tom. Do a google search for "ARRL" and you will see a 
fantastic struggle between Amatuer Radio Operators (Ham's),and the FCC.  
Europe  is paying dearly for it's BPL system(s).In the USA, FEMA  is on 
record opposing BPL  as it "renders communications impossible" in an 

Can  you imagine a  Broadband-Over-Powerline system that covers even 1/3 
of a country?
All "Over-the air" reception would suffer horribly.We're talking 
cordless telephones, Cell phones (as if they already didn't have enough 
problems),AM (Medium-Wave),F.M.,Short-Wave,Television....

BPL is Government sanctioned Pollution!


Tom Smith wrote:

> You need to look closely before you make a decision on broadband 
> communication. It appears to be cheap but as in most things there is 
> no free ride.
> The only downside is the potential for RF interference of others users 
> of the spectrum. The frequencies used on these systems can and 
> probably will cause interference to emergency services, amateur radio, 
> and other commercial users that are on the primary and harmonics of 
> the frequencies used by the broadband network. Once broadband is 
> established, there is no way to shut it off in the middle of a natural 
> or manmade disaster when the lack of health and welfare communications 
> is deadly.
> The US has several pilot broadband projects that have had very 
> negative effects on wireless communication. Interference on a average 
> day is just a nuisance but can have a very negative impact on life and 
> property in a natural disaster when you can't get health and welfare 
> requests communicated. There is a better way than jeopardizing our 
> lives in disasters that seem to be occuring freqently.
> Be careful.
> On Fri, 26 Aug 2005 19:43:11 +0800
>  "peter ogborne" <jopeter at omninet.net.au> wrote:
>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "peter ogborne" 
>> <jopeter at omninet.net.au>
>> To: <sel at lists.stationary-engine.com>
>> Sent: Friday, August 26, 2005 7:11 AM
>> Subject: Fw: Broadband and the town of Manas ,Virginia,USA, a bit OT
>>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "peter ogborne" 
>>> <jopeter at omninet.net.au>
>>> To: <sel at lists.stationary-engine.com>
>>> Sent: Thursday, August 25, 2005 8:22 AM
>>> Subject: Broadband and the town of Manas ,Virginia,USA, a bit OT
>>>> I recently heard a report how the town of Manas [maybe incorrect 
>>>> spelling] in Virginia were testing a system of Broadband internet 
>>>> connection via the power grid. To all accounts it was successful. 
>>>> This would have great implications for our Australian Telstra as 
>>>> their copper system would not be needed. Most Australian towns are 
>>>> connected to the power grid ,so the inferstructure is already 
>>>> installed. If it is a goer then watch out Telstra shares!
>>>> Maybe someone in the US knows about the Manas system .
>>>> PS I know there is a Manasa [ The Manasa Mauler] Jack Dempsey or 
>>>> Was it Gene Tunney?
>>>> Peter Ogborne
>>>> Little Grove ,Albany
>>>> West Australia
>>>> ''Heart of the Rainbow Coast ''
>>>> jopeter at omninet.net.au
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