[SEL] Parmaco engine

Glenn A Karch glenn.karch at gte.net
Sun Apr 17 12:37:37 PDT 2005


The Parkersburg Machine Co. sold several different engines made by various
manufacturers.  The Model T Thermoil look alike (made by Hercules) shown in
the BYB is just one of them.


Glenn Karch
Haubstadt, IN, USA
Hercules Historian
----- Original Message -----
From: <Germoamer at aol.com>
To: <sel at lists.stationary-engine.com>
Sent: Sunday, April 17, 2005 9:39 AM
Subject: [SEL] Parmaco engine

> Yesterday, Millie and I went to a newly formed show near the North
> border about 1 1/2 hr from home and had a nice outing for the first time
> year meeting many new folks and a number of old acquaintances.
> A fellow came up and got to talking about an engine he had and wanted to
> if I would be interested in purchasing it.  I kept thinking I had seen him
> somewhere and as it turned out he had been to our local show about 10
years ago
> with it.  He pulled in with a motor home and the trailer with the engine
and a
> motorcycle on it.  He had gone thru a dip in the road too fast somewhere
> had bent the trailer jack back.  I got him a winch, and helped straighten
> He rode his motorcycle that evening and pulled out sometime in the night
> to coming rain.  Had not seen the engine or person since and no name to
> contact.
> The engine was a most unusual one and made by the Parkersburg Machine Co.,
> Company, W.Va., Parmaco engines.  As I remember it looked very much like a
> Hercules engine, only it had a sideshaft.  Another fellow and I looked
this engine
> over with curiosity and were going to talk to the owner the next morning
> possibly purchase it. So, after 10 years it has surfaced again with the
> owner who told me it was a yard ornament at this place.  I have made
> arrangements to see it this week, and of course take pictures if I
remember the camera.
> Would anyone have any information on the Parmaco engines? If memory serves
> correctly this engine was gas, but the BRB indicates oil engines.
> Thanks,
> Tom Schmutz
> Concord, Va. USA
> Germoamer at aol.com
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