[SEL] Famous/Osborn questions

Michael Tucker mtucker at uky.edu
Thu Apr 7 03:38:50 PDT 2005

Hello all,

In my search for a 4 hp Famous, I got a call last night from someone 
who has what he called an Osborn (sp?) that he thinks was built 
around 1907.  He described it as exactly like a Famous (except 
painted blue) but he was a little fuzzy on the connection between 
Osborn and IHC on the Famous line.  The BRB/BYB doesn't mention 
anything about Osborn so I was wondering if any of you folks knew the 
connection.  Did IHC sell the Famous under the Osborn name or did 
Osborn make them under a license from IHC?  Does the fact that it's 
an Osborn change the price of the engine compared to an engine with 
an IHC tag on it?

Thanks for the help,
Michael Tucker
Midway, Kentucky, USA
mtucker at uky.edu

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