[SEL] Famous/Osborn questions
John Hammink
jg.hammink at quicknet.nl
Thu Apr 7 05:58:49 PDT 2005
Hi Mike,
Osborne was one of the companies IHC bought, so the Osborne
dealers sold the Famous engines as "Osborne" engines. They were
that dark blue in color. I would say if you have an original Osborne
engine with the tags it could be worth a few thousends more.
John Hammink
Anna Paulowna, Netherlands.
jg.hammink at quicknet.nl
> In my search for a 4 hp Famous, I got a call last night from someone
> who has what he called an Osborn (sp?) that he thinks was built
> around 1907. He described it as exactly like a Famous (except
> painted blue) but he was a little fuzzy on the connection between
> Osborn and IHC on the Famous line. The BRB/BYB doesn't mention
> anything about Osborn so I was wondering if any of you folks knew the
> connection. Did IHC sell the Famous under the Osborn name or did
> Osborn make them under a license from IHC? Does the fact that it's
> an Osborn change the price of the engine compared to an engine with
> an IHC tag on it?
> Thanks for the help,
> Mike
> --
> ____________________
> Michael Tucker
> Midway, Kentucky, USA
> mtucker at uky.edu
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