[SEL] Show pics updated

Jeff Allen transteck at earthlink.net
Sat Oct 9 20:00:12 PDT 2004

Hello all,

Just finished posting all the pictures from last weeks show. Some old, some new, for those that looked at the first post. Great time, great contacts and visits, and can't wait for the next one. 


Today's show was not as good. Biggest show of the year for the club, but I forgot where it was held. The 750 acres is owned by the City and County of Denver, Colorado, USA, and they don't allow smoking on any of their land. Not on the paved trails, parking lots, or anywhere else. Yes, the Corn Maze and Pumpkin patch should be off limits, and that is only common sense. Spent a short time there and my nose is still burning from the fumes from the generators in the "Children's Play Area", as in pay a bunch of money for the fumes and inflatable rides. Back to the gib key tomorrow. Score now: Gib key 2, Jeff 0. :-(


Jeff Allen
Arvada, Colorado USA


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