[SEL] Vertical Stover Rings

cgandree at mchsi.com cgandree at mchsi.com
Sun Nov 14 04:22:44 PST 2004

My Stover 5hp, model "C", 1905 upright has only three rings and for sure its 
all orginal.
Curt Andree
> Here is a quick question for those of you who have vertical Stovers. How
> many piston rings does your engine have?
> My YC and YB have four as does Ron's YB and Edd's YB but the piston we
> pulled out of Ron's spare YC barrel today has three! It is an original
> piston and is the same as my other YC piston but it has one less ring.
> Patrick M Livingstone
> Leichhardt NSW
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