[SEL] Re: Govenor weight springs
Alan Bowen
alanb2 at webtv.net
Tue Jul 27 14:59:52 PDT 2004
Hi Rex,
I'm guessing you found some lighter springs,,,,, I try to keep a supply
of them around and I take them to shows.
Note to self,,,
Go dig through the box of mixed springs that the hardware store sells
It looks like I will be taking a 1918 1-1/2hp Hercules E to the Buckley
show along with a bunch of parts and see it she will speak up after
approx. 75 years of silence. I expect I will need a lighter spring for
the gov. A couple years ago when I took my barn fresh 1928 Herc. S to
Buckley and fired her up I just happened to have the perfect spring in
the bag. My engine buddy suggested I just cut off part of the original
spring. I just pulled out a bag of springs,,,,,,,
Well,,, I better get off here and go start grinding on a FBM rod end-cap
to make it fit the Herc's con-rod. That's tonight's project.
Alan Bowen alanb2 at webtv.net
Williamsburg, Michigan
~~~~~~Rex Hinz wrote~~~~~
Thanks for the help Alan & Chuck , the engine is now running at a safe
speed around 500 rpm and I'm less worried about things flying apart ,
didn't mean to ruin a chaukboard but I thought I would ask the Pro's ,
as I just got started in the hobby and I thought good advice is better
than a poke in the dark.
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