[SEL] Fw: Acknowledgement of e-mail Nat Rally

Reg & Margaret Ingold randmingold at hotkey.net.au
Sun Jul 25 02:52:34 PDT 2004

Hi Joe.
To answer your questions as best I can, and in order.
The Nat rally is held every two years. At the meeting held by the NHMA at
these events, clubs interested in holding the next event vie for it with a
'presentation' and it is voted on. he original idea put up by the NHMA was
for it to go to different states in rotation but that fell over.
Then, with the 'help' of the NHMA, it goes ahead and sets it up.
At this point I must say that a lot of folk work their arses off doing the
hard work. My hat is off to them.

It usually is a three day event.

Admission at the last one was $15 each day.

regarding size, your show is bigger. I have no figures on attendance,
exhibits, etc.
You also have to take into account the much lower population here.
As an event, it is the biggest Oz has to offer.

There are only a few clubs over here who own their own estate.
The upcoming event will be held at the local horse racing grounds.

Some clubs have newsletters and the like.
There is no benefit to be had from the host club by exhibiting.

There seems to be a trend to make the exhibitors pay a higher percent each
I dont know the finance details but, the blurb says the area hopes to be a
few million $$ better off after it closes.

In the time I have been attending these events, I have noticed that the next
organising club copies the methods of the previous.

Sure, there is a lot of effort in getting the sponsorship needed.
But, in the event of not raising enough from the local area, who benefit the
most, I dont agree with milking the exhibitors.

Our club has a rule in its minutes that "No member will pay to show his

Where does that put our club members?

An Ozzie BBQ at a show is usually a sausage on a slice of bread.
Even if there is a bit of salad, $10 is a bit steep!
And so it goes.

It really is not the few extra $$ so much as the whole underlying structure
and thinking that made me 'spit the dummy' and open my mouth.

Further, the concept of a National Body was put up some years back with the
object of giving a united voice to the engine clubs.

It took upon itself the task of giving us an insurance cover and its version
of a safety code, etc.etc.

It now regards itself as the rulers of the hobby. I am less than happy
with the way things have gone.

Any independent club has no chance of co existing amicably due to the nature
of the rules re members insurance cover. You are one or the other.

The thought of doing things in a different way to what is stated by the NHMA
is regarded as TREASON in a lot of cases.
(I know!!)

So, I hope this gives you a little insight into how things are here.

I will close with the thought, Best of luck to all the hard workers who are
doing their best to put on this event. I dont envy you all the hard work
ahead.  Just dont let the easy route of loading prices to the exhibitors
eventuate. It is an ongoing downward path.


Reg & Marg Ingold.
Newcastle, NSW, Australia.
randmingold at hotkey.net.au

----- Original Message -----
From: "Joe Prindle" <joe_prindle2001 at yahoo.com>
To: "The SEL email discussion list" <sel at lists.stationary-engine.com>
Sent: Sunday, July 25, 2004 11:14 AM
Subject: Re: [SEL] Fw: Acknowledgement of e-mail Nat Rally

> Hello Reg,
> Around here, when someone is treated in such a patronizing fashion, we
> refer to it as "having smoke blown up yer arse". Perhaps I am too cynical,
> but I really doubt you will get much satisfaction there.
> I do not fully understand how things are done in your part of the world,
> and would appreciate it if you could "explain me this":
> Who is the group that puts on this national rally of yours? Is it a group
> of investors or a management group, working to earn a profit for
> themselves? Or are they a non-profit group, consisting of clubs and
> collectors who use the proceeds to promote the hobby?
> How many days does this show run?
> How many spectators does such an event draw? Is admission charged and how
> much?
> How many engines and tractors show up?
> How many exhibitors are there?
> Does this organization own their own showgrounds? If so, how big are they
> and how many permanent displays do they have there?
> Does paying the fees and participating in this event carry any benefits?
> Does it make you a member with voting rights, receiving a newsletter or
> magazine periodically?
> These are legitimate questions. When I asked them before, someone may have
> thought I was not serious about them, but I am.
> I am curious about what sort of expenses are incurred in putting this
> event together. I could understand the need for the fees if the money is
> used to make some sort of permanent investment that will better the hobby
> in the future. Here in the states, most shows are paid for by the
> spectators, not the exhibitors. As you surely have noticed by the posts in
> the past here and on Harry's, folks here get really upset if they are
> expected to pay anything to exhibit.
> Any insight you can give me would be appreciated!
> Joe
> --- Reg & Margaret Ingold <randmingold at hotkey.net.au> wrote:
> > Here is the reply I have received.
> > Reg & Marg Ingold.
> > Newcastle, NSW, Australia.
> > randmingold at hotkey.net.au
> > http://www.oldengine.org/members/randmingold
> =====
> Joe Prindle
> Patternmaker, Founder & Machinist
> See my 1889 Reynolds Corliss at:
> www.tznet.com/jprindle
> Our Club:
> www.badgersteamandgas.com
> See Yoo in Baraboo!
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