[SEL] Big engine starting wheels?

John Hammink jg.hammink at quicknet.nl
Tue Jul 6 06:21:20 PDT 2004

I have seen doing this many times and it works perfect.
With the help of a tractor, push the wheel to the flywheel
and when the engine runs let it lose. Pic can be seen at:

John Hammink
Anna Paulowna, Netherlands.
jg.hammink at quicknet.nl

> Don,
> Without getting into a long drawn out tale there is an unfortunate 
> fellow down here that learned the hard way just what you are speaking 
> of! He rigged up a free standing starter and when the engine fired it 
> move back hard enough to climb the starter wheel and rolled the entire 
> engine over breaking a 10HP Bessemer flywheel into many pieces. As you 
> can imagine he was sick. We were all sick for him too.
> Whatever the starter motor (if it is truly needed)  it would be the best 
> of practice to attach it to the skid the engine is bolted to. Then you 
> are assured absolute control of  both parts to prevent any mishaps.....
> Curt Holland
> Gastonia, NC
> D. Fleming wrote:
> >Glen,
> >
> >I am thinking that the starting engine should be engaged to the side of the
> >flywheel that is coming up ( left side on a flywheel turning clockwise ).
> >Then when the engine fires it will push the starting engine away from the
> >flywheel rather than pull it into and under the engine being started. Am I
> >missing something here???
> >
> >Don Fleming
> >  
> >
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