[SEL] rigging engine for lift

George & Norma Armstrong gnarmstrong at netnitco.net
Sun Dec 12 16:53:48 PST 2004

   Fab. a lifting beam to thread thru the spokes of the flywheels with a
lift point in the center and adjustable stops so the lifting beam cannot
slip sideways in the flywheels ( you could adapt a singletree for this
purpose ).  Then use a nylon strap to lift the cylinder end  choking the
cylinder by passing one eye of the strap thru the other eye.  Then lift by
the loose eye of the strap and an adjustable length of chain from your
lifting beam.  By using a lifting beam you will not be pulling the flywheels
toward one another causing bending on the crank.    Geo.
-----Original Message-----
From: Peter <pnmnw at allvantage.com>
To: sel at lists.stationary-engine.com <sel at lists.stationary-engine.com>
Date: Sunday, December 12, 2004 6:17 PM
Subject: [SEL] rigging engine for lift

>Does anyone have any . . . um . . . elegant solutions to rigging something
>like a 3hp F-M Z?  I've just finished making a truck for it and am tired of
>my Rube Goldberg-and-baling-twine inventions that attach the engine to the
>chain falls.  Chains, rope, tow straps, under the cylinder, through the
>spokes, around crankcase--and never twice the same way.  I'm sick of it, I
>tell ya!  Would it have been so hard for them to cast some eyes into the
>top of the engine?  Thanks for any tips.
>Peter Wagner
>Barnet, VT

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